Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Throat (5th) Chakra

Throat Chakra- Located in the throat region, this chakra connects us to our expressive self, reinforcing communication, speech, and healing.

When off balance, there may be issues of self-expression, fear of no power or control, over-talkative, dogmatic, self-righteous, arrogant, unreliable, or holds inconsistent views. When in balance, we can express or truth without worrying about what others may think, be a good communicator, contented, finds it easy to meditate, and artistically inspired. 

Crystals- aquamarine, turquoise, blue agate, lapis lazuli, sodalite, sapphire,

Essential Oils/Aromatherapy incents- rosemary, lime, sage, Indian champa, cedarwood, myrrh, and chamomile

Herbs- red clover blossom, eucalyptus, and lemon grass

Yoga poses- Plow pose, Fish pose, Bridge pose, and supported shoulder stand

Sound- keynote G, frequency 384hz, and singing birds and crickets

Positive affirmations- I SPEAK. I speak my thoughts clearly, with grace and integrity. I am aligned with my highest truth and communicate this with love and honor. I acknowledge the power of my word to create my own reality. I express who I am.

Manta- Ham

Element- Ether (Sky). Express yourself by singing a song, calling a friend, writing a letter to someone you love.

Heart (4th) Chakra

Heart Chakra- Located in the heart region, this chakra connects us to our emotional self, bringing harmony, forgiveness, sincerity, and love.

When off balance it can lead to over-loving, jealousy, abandonment, anger, loneliness, bitterness, possessiveness, loves conditionally, withholds emotionally “to punish”, overly dramatic, fears rejection, feels unworthy, self-pitying. When in balance, we feel joy, love, gratitude, compassion, and nurturing. 

Crystals- malachite, jade, green tourmaline, emerald, peridot, green calcite, azurite, moonstone, and rose quartz

Essential Oils/Aromatherapy incents- ylang ylang, rose, jasmine, vetiver, pine, bergamot, and rosewood

Herbs- Hawthorn Berry

Yoga poses- camel pose, cobra pose, forward bend pose, and cat pose

Sound- keynote F, frequency 341.3hz, and wind/air blowing

Positive affirmations- I LOVE. I love myself. I am a being of compassion. I share this love to everyone. I live in balance, with grace and gratitude. I release all fears, concerns, and worries about giving and receiving love. I know forgiveness. I am one. Love is the answer to everything in life, and I give and receive love effortlessly and unconditionally.

Mantra- Yam

Element- Air. Connect to the wind to nurture your heart chakra. Drive with the windows down in the car, ride a bike or fly a kite on a breezy day. Practice deep breathing during heart focused meditation.

Solar Plexus (3rd) Chakra

Solar Plexus Chakra- Located in the navel area, this chakra connects us to our ego, will, personal power, and autonomy.

When off balance, it can threaten our self-confidence, cause depression and confusion, one may be too controlling, a workaholic, judgmental, superior, and insecure. When in balance, it brings us harmony and protection, the feeling of being comfortable, with oneself and others, has personal power, is spontaneous, and uninhibited.

Crystals- topaz, citrine, tiger’s eye, yellow zircon, and amber

Essential Oils/Aromatherapy incents- lemongrass, vetiver, fennel, coriander, lime, myrrh, frankincense, juniper, ylang ylang, and lemon

Herbs- rosemary, fennel root, and cinnamon

Yoga poses- bow pose, boat pose, bridge pose, and half lord of the fishes

Sound- keynote E, frequency 320hz, and sounds of roaring fire

Positive affirmations- I DO. I do enough. I am more than enough. I accept myself and stand confidently in my power. I respect differences and express my identity without imposing my will upon others. I am in harmony with all I see. I live with integrity.  I am positively empowered and successful in all my ventures.

Mantra- Ram

Element- Fire. Invite the energies of fire by sitting, dancing, singing, and laughing with friends around a bonfire. Get into the full light of the sun and take an invigorating walk.


Sacral (2nd) Chakra

Sacral Chakra – Located in the female reproductive system area, the sacral connects us to our feelings, emotions, sexuality, and creativity.

When off balance, one can be emotionally unbalanced, manipulative, sexually addictive, over-sensitive, hard on him/herself, feels guilty for no reason, shame of body/sexuality, feelings of jealousy, guilt, and possessiveness. When in balance, one is trusting, expressive, attuned to their own feelings, creative, and graceful.

Crystals- red and brown adventurine, red garnet, red jasper, tigers eye, carnelian, and citrine

Essential Oils/Aromatherapy incents- orange, tangerine, neroli, jasmine, rosewood, cleary sage, grapefruit, bergamot, and geranium.

Herbs- calendula flowers and hibiscus

Yoga poses- triangle pose, cobra pose, Shiva pose, and butterfly pose

Sound- keynote D, frequency 288hz, and sounds of ocean/rainfall/waterfall

Positive affirmations- I FEEL. I acknowledge my uniqueness. I am a sensual and creative being. I attract only whole and nurturing relationships into my life. My senses are alive and connected. I embrace life with passion and feel abundant joy. I am radiantly beautiful, healthy, and strong.

Mantra- Vam

Element- Water. Spending time by the lake or other bodies of water, taking walks by the water or sitting with it in view, going swimming and taking baths are especially energizing for this chakra. Drink more water.

Root (1st) Chakra

Root Chakra- Located at the base of the spine, the root is connected to our physical needs, basic human survival, security, and stability.

When off balance, one can be overly materialistic, self-centered, emotionally needy, low self-esteem, fearful. When in balance one demonstrates self-mastery, high physical energy, health, and vitality, feels secure and stable.

Crystals – smoky quartz, hematite, bloodstone, garnet, ruby, and red jasper

Essential oils/Aromatherapy incents – vetiver, patchouli, cedarwood, ginger, myrrh, and rosewood

Herbs- dandelion root, sage, ginger, and elderflowers

Yoga poses – mountain pose, forward bend, warrior pose, and child’s pose

Sound - keynote C, frequency 256hz, and sounds of thunder

Positive Affirmation- I AM. I am safe, secure and grounded. I belong in this world. I have all that I need. I am where I need to be. I am at peace with my surroundings, and with the people and events that occur.

Mantra- Lam

Element- Earth. Simply going outdoors and experiencing the sounds and smells of nature will have a positive effect. Sit on the grass under a tree and allow yourself to absorb the earthly energies.

Ways to Stay Balanced Between Sessions

 Morning meditations and rituals – I find it easier to do my meditations as soon as I can after I wake up because the mind is more at ease. For me, that’s after my breakfast, morning reading, and getting dressed for the day. I also advise refraining from electronic devices until meditations are completed. When I use my phone to read, check e-mails, and whatever else when I first wake up, I never get my meditations done that day. If you like to read in the mornings, I encourage you to do so with a paper book. 


Guided meditations – I love guided meditations. They are great for beginners. There are many on online and there’s also smartphone apps. There are often free guided meditations events around the city as well. My personal favorites are Higher Self meditations and the Bija Mantra chanting meditations which focus on each chakra. 


Breathing technique meditations also known as breath work- Take deep breaths, recommended 10 count inhale and 10 count exhale. There are guided breathing techniques online. Breath work is very beneficial to the central nervous system. 


Daily mindfulness – Staying present. I like to preform senses checks throughout the day. I ask myself what am I hearing right now? What am I seeing right now? What do I smell right now? What do I feel right now? What am I tasting in this bite of food right now? 


Stating the 5 Reiki principles daily. I began doing this when I started the process of getting certified. It has made a huge difference and stating them is a favorite part of my day. I do this as part of my regular morning routine when I get dressed.  

1. Just for today, I will not be angry. 

2. Just for today, I will not worry. 

3. Just for today, I will do my work honestly. 

4. Just for today, I will be kind to every living thing. 

5. Just for today, I will give thanks for my many blessings. 


Sage Smudging – (See benefits and under what to expect in a Reiki session.) I smudge sage multiple times a day and always before my morning meditation. Adopting this practice has made a huge impact in my life. It always neutralizes my energy and rids negative energy from spaces. I always like to sage myself after dealing with the public and sage my home when people have been over and especially when I have had a tough day. Saging around yourself counter clockwise is said to take negative energies away. 


Decorating your home with and using crystals – (See explanation of crystals under what to expect in a Reiki session.) You can lie the crystals over your energy points (chakras), put them in your bath water, carry them in your pocket or purse, or wear them in jewelry. Certain crystals activate specific chakras, I have listed them at the back of this packet. 


Take a healing bath – One of my favorite rituals that I believe is very important and I strongly recommend. Take time to relax in a bath. I love putting crystals in my bath water along with Epsom salts which contains magnesium and has many benefits of its own. Other things you can add: Himalayan salt, essential oils, the vapor or lavender bubble bath often found in baby departments. You can also make a tea bath with different types of herbs. I like to add rose petals as a topper. Scented candles and incense add to the relaxation. 

Each chakra has certain scents and herbs that balance them. I have listed them at the back of this packet. 


Sound healing- There are many sound healing videos online of singing bowls and healing frequencies. Many videos are for a specific chakra and many are for all seven. I strongly recommend listing to 432hz healing sounds and music as it is the ultimate healing frequency and is known as the frequency of the universe. I also recommend listening to vibrational healing and spa music channels on music apps. I always listen to these in my healing baths too. 


Binuaral BeatsBinuaral beats changed my life! They can be found online and smartphone apps. You have to use earphones for them to be effective because one frequency is played in one ear while another frequency plays in the other ear. This sets your brain to a specific brainwave. Brainwaves can be: delta (.5 to 3hz) associated with dreamless sleep, theta (4 to 8hz) associated with sleep in the REM/dream phase, meditation, and creativity, alpha (8-12hz) encourages relaxation, and beta (13 to 38hz) promotes concentration and alertness. This is a quick overview but I encourage you to do more research on binaural beats as there is a lot more information published. They really work. When it’s my bedtime and I’m still alert, I listen to delta and I’m asleep before I know it. When I’m feeling low energy during the day, I listen to alpha waves. I prefer this over taking sleeping pills or drinking energy drinks. 


Yoga- Participate in yoga class or do your own poses at home or outdoors. There is also guided yoga classes online. Certain yoga poses are good for specific chakras. I have listed them in the back of this packet. 


Positive Affirmations- Affirmations are positive statements that can help you to challenge and overcome self-sabotaging and negative thoughts. When you repeat them often, and believe in them, you can start to make positive changes. You can write your own or look them up online. I have added positive affirmations for each of the chakras in the back of this packet. 


Self- Reiki- You don’t have to be certified and attuned to preform Reiki on yourself. There are guided self-Reiki videos online, some even teach you how to actually feel your body’s energy flow. 


The internet has a lot of information on chakras and Reiki. Learning about the chakra’s can be overwhelming and there’s so much information that can make it discouraging. When I started learning about and working on balancing my own chakras, I broke the seven chakras up to each day of the week, starting with the root on Monday’s. Each day I do some activity to balance that day’s chakra. For example, on Monday’s I wear red and be sure to go to the park because Earth is the element for that chakra. On Tuesday’s, I wear orange and eat an orange by the water or take a bath with orange essential oil in it and so on. This really made it easy for me personally to stay balanced.




Pre and Post Reiki Session

Preparing for a session, 

Drink water. It’s a good idea to avoid alcohol or recreational drugs as they alter and cloud your consciousness. 


Set an intention for your session. What do you want to heal? What are you ready to release? What are you ready to manifest? This doesn’t have to be an elaborate process. Simply write down the first few things that come to mind or state them before coming to your session. 


Trust that you will receive exactly what you need in that moment. 


After a session,

you may want to journal about your experience and make notes of how you felt. Did you receive any intuitive messages? What is ready to heal on a deeper level? 

Notice any changes in perception. Do you see any person or situation differently than prior? What are the quality of your thoughts like? Is it easier for you to stay present in the now?

Notice any changes in your physical body? How is your breath flow?

Continue drinking water to flush out any toxins that may have been released from your system.

Travel to Earth’s Chakras

​Here’s an article about the Earth’s chakras.  I’ve been so blessed and had the privilege to visit Mount Shasta, California several times wh...