Friday, May 7, 2021

What to Expect in a Reiki Session

When you arrive for your session, Reiki / spa music will be playing and I will have an aromatherapy diffuser with essential oils on 

You will take your shoes off and sit in the copper pyramid (select locations)Copper pyramids generate negative ions to help reproduce and repair body cells. Too many positive ions (the result of air pollution) can cause depression and illnesses. Negative ions are transmitted into the body through the air and is circulated by the blood. In addition, pyramids are believed to have a generally balancing effect on the body’s electromagnetic field. The pyramid activates the energies of the pineal and pituitary glands, promoting balance, relaxation, tranquility, and in some instances the reduction of headaches. 


If youre a new client, I’ll have you fill out a form, on the form you will indicate if you are ok with me using the following tools: sage smudging, essential oils, aromatherapy, crystals, pendulum, singing bowls, PEMF, and light therapy. If you are not comfortable with me using any of the above, I can omit it. 


We will then discuss the body’s energy points (chakras) and any emotional or physical pain you may be experiencing


You will see crystals along the right side of your body, aligned with the coordinating chakra. Crystals are living and vibrating. Different crystals vibrate at different frequencies activating certain chakras. I will place crystals on your body over the corresponding chakras. 


You will lie down on your back, close your eyes, and try to clear your mind as much as possible. I will have a blanket for you to cover with if you get cold, a yoga bolster under your knees, and a pillow for comfort. 

You will be lying on a Healthy Line multi crystal Chakra PEMF bed (select locations).

I will then begin the Reiki process where I start at your feet, then move to your left side, then to the top of the head. During this process, I will use a crystal pendulum to read the energy flow of each chakra then I will channel universal life force energy into each chakra and specified area of pain and extract blockages. I will have my hands 6-12 inches above your body and will never touch you to perform reiki. 


After the Reiki process, I will perform an aura cleansing with white sage, also called smudging, and selenite crystal. Sage smudging clears negative energy. The smoke helps to change the molecular structure of both the air and energy, which produces a cleansing effect. Sense of smell is strongly linked to memory and instinct therefore sage smudging is very effective for combating feelings of anger, fear, stress, anxiety, grief, and depression. Burning sage is an ancient spiritual ritual practiced by tribal groups and native shamans. Sage also has antimicrobial properties, keeping bacteria, viruses, and fungi at bay. Selenite crystal helps to stabilize and balance the emotional body. It cleanses the aura and removes negative energies very similar to the effect of sage. 


After the aura cleansing, I will use tuning forks of different frequencies and I will play Tibetan singing bowls for sound healing. I have 7 bowls, each have their own note and frequency. Each bowl is keyed to activate and balance the 7 chakras. 


After the sound healing, I will return to your feet and instruct you to take your time sitting up when you are comfortable. After you sit up, I will first ask you what you experienced then I will share with you what I felt. If any blockages were felt in any of the chakras, I will share with you ways to help balance that particular chakra/chakras. 

Then the session is completed!


Reiki is different for everyone. Some people report feeling hot or cold spots, tingling, or extreme relaxation. Some people may see colors or visuals. Many people fall asleep in a Reiki session, which is ok because it still works. Regardless of whether you notice sensations or not, trust that Reiki is flowing for your highest good. 

Pay attention to how you feel after the session, you may sleep better or feel more centered and less triggered.

Travel to Earth’s Chakras

​Here’s an article about the Earth’s chakras.  I’ve been so blessed and had the privilege to visit Mount Shasta, California several times wh...